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A wedding at The Kawabun Nagoya

[Official website limited benefits / best price guarantee] Reservation from the official website is advantageous

Short-time customer service and individual correspondence are also possible.
A home fair is also being held. Please contact us once.

If you make a fair reservation or a tour reservation from our official website,
Other ceremonial hall introduction sites and ceremonial hall introduction desks
Rather than making a reservation through the consultation counter
We can show you a great plan.

Limited to HP◆All groups will receive an Amazon gift card of 10,000 yen on their first visit (first 5 people/month)

If you make a fair reservation from our official website, you will get the best deal compared to other wedding hall introduction sites or consultation counters.

It is a promise that we will guide you on the most affordable plan for wedding expenses.

Compared to reservations made through the wedding hall introduction/consultation counter and reservations made through Internet sites such as wedding hall comparison sites,

Because there is no intermediary introduction fee

You can return the most benefits to your customers.

*Contents may vary depending on the date, season, and number of people wishing to have the wedding ceremony.

Please note that in the following cases, we will exclude you from the best rate guide.

・For web reservations made from sources other than our official website, such as reservations from other wedding hall introduction sites.
・ When making a reservation from a ceremony hall introduction desk or a consultation counter